Monday, May 4, 2009

My Jerusalem

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8

Lately, I've had "the itch". With all the Baptist Collegiate Ministry students preparing for summer missions, and with other dear friends writing to us from the mission field, the desire to GO has been rising up in me! My passport is getting dusty, and I'm just feeling the need to pull it out and to go to a place where people really need to hear about Jesus.

You know what? All I have to do to go to a place like that is walk out my front door. Go to the grocery store. Take my son to school. Teach fitness. People who really need to hear about Jesus are EVERYWHERE around me, and I just need to take the time to ask God to show me who needs a word from Him.

This morning, I took a walk around my neighborhood. The weather was idyllic, and I was having a great time praying and worshipping as I got some exercise. As I walked, the Lord began to say to me, "You're looking at your Jerusalem."

Since Ken & I moved to Blythewood about 18 months ago, we have tried diligently to know our neighbors. We have believed from the moment the foundation of our home was set that we were being brought here to live for Jesus in this neighborhood. But as I walked, I realized that although I know many of their names, I really don't know many of my neighbors. What are their needs, their hurts, their beliefs? Do they know what WE believe? Oh, I pray they do, but I can't say that for certain, because there are still many of them I have not had that deep conversation with yet.

It's no mistake that Jesus told his followers to start in Jerusalem. We simply must begin where we live. God didn't put any of us in the place we call our "home" to stay to ourselves. Instead, he put us where we are to get involved, to care, to be His light.

For the last half of my walk, I began to pray for each family in each home that I passed. Even though I don't know their needs, their hurts, their fears, my Father does, and He is the only one who can do anything about it. My neighborhood walks are going to have a different focus from now on: reaching my Jerusalem with the love of Christ. I can't wait to see who God puts in my path!

I guess my passport will stay dusty for a little while longer, but that is fine with me. My mission field is right outside my door.

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